With so many interesting and quirky cast iron products, not all our items can be easily sorted into distinct product categories.
That’s why we have our Various category - it's where we keep our most intriguing and charming items - ones that just don’t fit in anywhere else! Take a look below:
10 Downing st. doorknocker SN: XDN10 | 10 per box In Stock
Bat doorknocker SN: XDNBA | 36 per box In Stock
bell back plate SN: VSPBB | 10 per box In Stock
bell clanger SN: VCLAN | 1 per box In Stock
Boot Scraper & Holder SN: XHBHO | 4 per box In Stock
cat food bowl SN: VFBCA | 4 per box In Stock
decorative MG oil jug SN: VOJMG | 16 per box Sold Out
dog food bowl SN: VFBDO | 4 per box In Stock
egg stand SN: VEGGS | 20 per box In Stock
Finger plate -sun SN: XFPSU | 20 per box Sold Out
hobgoblin bottle opener SN: WBOHG | 50 per box Sold Out
Hudson dog bowl SN: XHUDS | 1 per box Sold Out
Some More Information About Our Various Cast Iron Products Category
Our full range of cast iron products are made using traditional casting methods, results in a tough, durable and attractive finish.
And as always, all items are iron cast to the highest standards and finished in hand-painted, vintage-style colouring.
As you can see above, our Various category includes cast iron bottle openers, cast iron door knockers, cast iron teapots, cookware, and much more.
Our stock changes regularly, depending on what is selling well in the market. So be sure to check back regularly to see if any of our cast iron products catch your fancy!